Saturday, June 13, 2009

Who would win? Shark V's Lion.

Canada Pictures are finally up here!

Things i would have twittered should i have had regular access to the internet while i was away...

*i always forget how English i sound when i'm not in England
*i forgot there's be signs in French
*Dear Urban Outfitters, i love you
*At what point did this guy think it was a good idea to wear a fanny pack to a bar?
*Bubble Tea!
*Kensington Vintage loveliness
*Scrapbook shopping in a real life shop!
*Wolverine: worth seeing for naked Hugh Jackman alone
*@The Falls
*Baby raccon sighting!
*Serious question: who would win in a fight, Shark V's Lion?
*Moose pictures!!
*Clifton Hills: Tourist Area (this was an actual sign!)
*Maid of the Mist = Soakage
*Mocassins Love
*Up the CN Tower we go...
*Craft Night goodness
*The Princess Bride crazyness
*Hooked on Canada's Next Top Model!
*2 and a half hour flight delay!! Grrrr!

So just as i was starting to think that i was happy to stick around for a while, a few things happened this week which made me go blah! and want to run away again. Anyways there has also been goodness, dinner at Annabanannas, being a 'gymbabe' again & actually getting to see Laz-e-boy (yayness), obessively watching The Office an American Workplace, meeting Caketin at the cinema in near (unintentional) matching outfits (Night at the Museum is Sooooo funny!) & Benguin playing the guitar for me.

i've also read The Hunder Games this week, which was recommended to me by Dianne. i was hooked and stayed up late one night to finish it, only to discover it's a trilogy! Gah! Anyway, i would highly recommend it.


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