Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Good Reads in July

i started off reading The Game of Thrones in July. A few of my friends had recommended it to me, had also watched the show and were all kind of obsessed with it, and i wanted to get on the bandwagon. So i was really disappointed when i couldn't get into it. i didn't really dig the language, there were too many characters and i couldn't keep up with the plot or figure out where the book was going! It got to the point when i was about 7 or 8 chapters in but didn't want to pick the book up and avoided it for a few days before deciding to give up on it altogether. i can't remember the last time i did this with a book, i'm not sure i ever have. Had i not been doing my challenge to read 25 books this year i might have persisted with it, but the book is huge and i had the feeling it would take me a while to get through it, especially as i had no enthusiasm for it. Who knows, maybe i'll give it another try at some point. Or maybe i'll just watch the tv series.

Then i started The Help and fell in love with the characters. i missed them when i'd finished the book which is a sign that it is a most excellent read. They were just so well written. And it's set in the 60's, which is a decade i'm obsessed with. i don't want to tell you any more about the book, just go and read it, please.


Sian said...

I read The Help last summer and I loved it too.

Buzzard Girl said...

I have decided to make more time for reading and have a couple of books on the go at the mo. I am enjoying reading your reviews and will defo put The Help on my to read list.
Thanks for comment on my art journal. Have been feeling out of touch with the craft world so its great to receive comments from fellow crafters.
I have been saving my August SR kit for Shimelle's LSNED which starts today! I will be sure to share my makes x

Anonymous said...

If you haven't before, you should totally read Gone With the Wind!!! It's an oldie but a goodie!

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