Picture taken in Aug09 with B+W disposable camera.
i'm one of those people who often organises fun trips, sets goals of things i want to do, makes them happen. i don't like to waste my time on this planet because i'm all to aware of how short that time can be. But in the winter i loose that spark & drive to go do things. Lately i feel like i've been either working or holed up trying to keep warm, crafting away. Don't get me wrong, i love to stay in & watch movies whilst working on crafty projects. But i feel like i've missed out a little bit on life recently.
Last night i went to a gig with the girls. i haven't been to see live music for 5 months. Seriously, why have i left it so long, it's what i live for!?! We missed out on The Drums because we were too busy drinking wine but we caught The Big Pink, Bombay Bicycle Club & The Maccabees. And i fell in love with them all over again. And i felt alive.
Spring is a coming! We saw crocus growing on Southsea Common last night, so that confirms it! And i am SO ready for it. i have good feelings about the spring/summer. i want to go on adventures, i want to listen to music at the bandstand, i want to take lots of pictures, i want to get new ink, i want to have cupcake parties, i want to wear pretty dressed & live in my flip-flops!
i am loving this song by Jonsi at the moment, it's making me feel excited for the new seasons & what they will have in store for me to go, do.
Yay! Bring on the sun and we can have Alexa back ;) Perfect night out last night I think :D. x
That B+W picture of you is stunning! Wish i was half as photogenic as you
Katty B xx
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