i'm working loooong hours this week, but luckily i drafted a few posts in preparation for this so that le blog wasn't neglected.
i mentioned some time ago that i've been learning to knit with much help from Caketin. it's taken me a while to get my first project done because i unravelled a lot of it & started over again a couple of times. But i'm happy to say i finished it last week & i am pretty pleased with it! It's a cowel, here's a photo:
Thanks for your patience Caketin! i already started my next project & managed to teach myself to cast on.
In other news, i won the Red Challenge at Studio Calico. i'm SO thrilled, it's the first time i've taken part in one of their challenges and the first time i've uploaded anything to their gallery. It made my Monday!
Local Types, there's a cool project going on with disposable cameras. You can check out the details here. Unfortunately i'm too old to take part :(
How awesome! I wish I could knit :(
Looks great :) what's the next project??
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