This week
Kara decided to make a layout a day & challenged her blog readers to do something everyday too. As my social calendar was relatively free this week i decided to make a layout a day too. Things were going quite well until a friend came round for dinner on Thursday & i didn't have the opportunity to scrap. And Friday i was completely exhausted. Plus my New Moon pre-order arrived early so She Who Must Not Be Named & i decided to have a twilight fest & watch both films in a row. So no scrapping occurred on Friday either. i still think this is a pretty good effort though as i don't usually get my scrap on during the work week, so i'm not going to beat myself up about it. After all scrapping is for funs! Today i'll share what i made Monday through to Wednesday & i'll be back tomorrow with my weekend scrappies :) i got good use out of my
Studio Calico Kit this week.

Apologies for the shadowy image, i didn't realise it was so bad until i just uploaded it's not worth re-taking now it's dark. i used a mist on the card to get the glittery effect & it's so pretty in real life. Here's a close up.

i've been holding on to this photo since 2006. Goodness knows why! So it was about time i did a little ode to Lush, i loves lush so. The woodgrain paper used on this page is from the packaging of the SC exclusive wood veneer....
...which i used on this page. The yellow paper behind the photo on this one is from a ad card that came in this month's kit. i love it when packaging & ads are pretty enough to reuse on pages :)

Photo credit for this one goes to Miss Adrienne Sweet.
i can't believe how long its been since you were here and that photo was taken!!!
I am really digging that "Snow Way" layout. So cute.
I love the snow way one too!
Love the last two layouts. Really gorgeous colours and misting :)
Ohhhh! I'm so glad you did this! HEART THEM.
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