Sunday, February 08, 2015

More February Simple Scrapper Layouts

So as i mentioned in my last post, i was really inspired by this month's materials at Simple Scrapper. These layouts were all prompted by Story Starters, but the designs are my own. 

This one uses the Plus One collection again, and it's all about how i live for the weekend. That's the reality here at the moment, hopefully it won't always be that way. i'm actually starting a new job in March which i'm pretty excited about, so i'm hoping that will change. 

And here's another layout about my Morning Routine. This one's a little different though and documents one simple part of my routine. i used the same 'morning' stamp again using the same technique. i don't feel like i need to reinvent the wheel every time. 

The Premium Membership at Simple Scrapper provides skills and shortcuts to help you simplify and find more meaning in your memory keeping. 


Meghann Andrew said...

I so love both of these, but especially the weekend layout's title. Fantastic!

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