Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goals for 2007

~Sort out a banner for my blog
~Save money
~Explore the world
~Find my focus
~Chase my dreams
~Go to lot's of Gigs
~Try new colours
~Take more photos
~Get on Track
~Make new friends
~Spend more time with old friends
~Improve photography skills
~Drop a dress size
~Be more confident

~Learn to accept a compliment
~Observe more
~Procrastinate less
~Start a daily skin regime & stick to it
~Re-learn how to parallel park
~Wear heels more often

Most of these things are not going to happen over night & are going to require a lot of hard work & personal development on my part. But i'm going to do my best. i want to grow as a person, get a focus on what's important to me & head in a new direction. i am going to make 2007 my year! i hope it is fabulous for you too.


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